Monday, July 29, 2019

North Pole Fun - NOT

Everyone was excited last night because today was the day we would go to the North Pole for Aleah's and Parker's birthday present - but it wasn't to be as Parker woke up vomiting again!!  Poor thing - he wasn't happy that we weren't able to go but he didn't feel good at all!

SO what to do with our free day - cards and games of course!!  I can't tell you how games the 3 of us played and then later when Parker was feeling better, he joined in!  I taught them a couple of new games that I had learned and they were a hit!

The night before Glenn started a fire down at our fire pit so we roasted some marshmallows and the kids had s'mores!

It was fun having Jill's here for a while and Parker felt much better the next morning - we checked our schedules before they took off and hope to reschedule the North Pole on one of their long weekends in October!!

We had an awesome sunset that night!!


Jill said...

Sickness sure gets in the way!

Teri said...

That is too bad - but looks like you had a nice day at home!