Monday, July 22, 2019

Taking The LONG Way To Ft. Collins

If you recall, 4 of the grand kids headed to LVR for the week - Lutheran Valley Retreat!  After much planning, we decided we would pick up the kids and head to Ft. Collins for the weekend so Jill and I could celebrate our birthdays and we could see Parker's baseball game - and then bring boys back for boys weekend!!

IN THE MEANTIME, Jessi celebrated her birthday - Happy Birthday Jessi!!!

Friday afternoon we headed to LVR to pick up Kenzie, Aleah and Parker.  Brad was there to pick up Kylan so we were well represented!!  We watched the kids do their skits, ate dinner, and then packed up to head north!

We stopped in Denver to take Kenzie home and Jessi presented me with CINNAMON ROLLS for Jill's and my birthday - they were so yummy!!

It was almost 10 before we pulled into Jill and Robby's place - a LONG drive since LVR is about 45 minutes from our place!  But we made it safe and sound!!

Saturday was our birthday - Happy Birthday Jill!!  We enjoyed the cinnamon rolls that morning and they sure tasted great with coffee!!  After playing a few card games with the kids, Jill and I headed to the theater and saw "Yesterday" - it was great and the music of course was awesome!!  We enjoyed popcorn at the theater and afterwards went to DQ for blizzards!!

It was HOT - I love the picture of this squirrel in their backyard!

The birthday girls!

 Parker wasn't feeling great when he got up the next morning but he rallied later in the day for his baseball game!

They played 2 games and Parker got a hit every time but one - so fun to watch him.  Just as they were finishing up their last game, the lightning and thunder started in and they shut the games down so we could get to our cars!

And Monday morning it was time for Boys Week!


Teri said...

So nice you get to have all the kids at your place!

Jill said...

It was a fun weekend! Thanks for getting the kids and coming to FC to celebrate our birthdays!