Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Pictures, Tea and Presents

It was the day we've all been waiting for - family pictures - 9:00am sharp at Jaime's!!!!  We all met down by their pond and Stacey Zaiger, whom we've known since 4-H days was our photographer!!
We were thrilled when she said she could take the pictures on 4th of July weekend but she was on a time schedule so we knew everyone needed to be on their best behavior so we could get through pictures in a little over an hour!!

And we did it!!!  Despite the wind when we were taking pictures on some rocks, everything went extremely well!!  Once again each family dressed in a different color and I thought we all looked amazing!!!  I can't wait to see the proofs!!

After pictures, we had cinnamon rolls and coffee and a little bit of time to just relax before the 5 of us headed to C. Crk for tea!  The guys were in charge of all the kids for lunch - hot dogs and brats - simple and easy!!

Tea was wonderful!!  We all enjoyed picking out what flavor of tea we wanted and eating the dainty sandwiches and the delicious desserts!!  The owner knows us well by now!!

After tea it was back home to grab the manicotti and salad for that evenings' dinner along with Jill's lasagna!  I do love these meals that are made ahead of time and then just baked in the oven!

After dinner, it was present time with MANY occasions to celebrate!  First up was Glenn for his birthday and Father's Day!

Then an extremely late present for Rayna!!

Aleah's birthday which was July 4th!

Jessi's upcoming July 10th birthday!

Jill's upcoming July 13th birthday!

And my upcoming July 13th birthday!  Glenn and I got a dual gift - a sign to hang above my bulletin board which has all the kids pictures on it!  The sign reads:  Our Favorite People Call us Nana and Papa!  It's so cute!!

Somehow I didn't get a picture of Kylan whose May 25th birthday we also celebrated!!  So Kylan and Aleah got to pick the desserts:  chocolate cupcakes and strawberry shortcake!!  YUM!!

It was a striped night - ha!!

What an amazing day we all had - and by the end of it we were all pretty darn tired!!  But one more day to go...............


Teri said...

What a fun time! Can't wait to see the family pics. How nice you all did tea together.

Jill said...

We sure do know how to celebrate!