Tuesday, April 14, 2020

A Different Easter

Yes - it was a pretty strange Easter everywhere!!  Our usual plan is to head to Jill's for the weekend - do the Easter program and egg hunt at her church - lunch followed by Easter egg dyeing and then a hunt in the back yard before we have our big meal!  It certainly didn't happen this year!

But Jill set up a zoom for Saturday morning when everyone was going to color Easter eggs and that was a big hit!!  We got to watch the kids color their eggs and yes, it was kind of loud but OH SO FUN!!!!  The next best thing to being there!!

Easter Sunday was quite different here in the Baja!  USUALLY hundreds of Mexicans flood the beaches to camp and party - of course this year the beach was closed with patrols making sure you weren't on the beach!  So it was very quiet around here to say the least!

I watched Jill's church online Sunday morning for my Easter "fix" and then listened to a couple of old Easter hymns on another service!  And it was easy to imagine that everyone else was doing the same thing!

The girls texted me pics of the grand kids - I sure miss them!

I WILL be cooking a ham when we return home as you can't find them here - you can find ham lunch meat but that's about it!  In fact, I'll be cooking a lot of our favorites once we're home as it's much more difficult to find ingredients in this small town!

Glenn has handed out a lot of fish that he catches since it's way too much for us.  And look what we got in return from one couple!!  (Along with 2 huge chocolate chip cookies which didn't make the picture because they were immediately eaten with our coffee!!)  The rolls were delicious!!

And what was our meal for Easter?  Tacos - there was no chicken at the little store when he went so the choice was hamburger or fish - I opted for the hamburger to make tacos!  But they are VERY good with the homemade tortillas from the tortilla factory so I can't complain!!  Happy Easter!


Teri said...

Yes a very different Easter for everyone!

DrKeppy said...

Zoom was so fun with everyone! The rolls look yummy!

Jill said...

At least we got to see each other over Zoom!