Thursday, April 2, 2020

The Waterfall

One of our ATV trips is always to the waterfall!  It's a fun drive through the arroyo and then you park and walk in the rest of the way!

We always meet under the bridge to get out of the sun for a while and have a snack!

The canyon was gorgeous as usual plus nice and wet - it felt great to walk barefoot! in the water!

Photo op time in the rocks!

We hiked back in to the waterfall and sure enough there was some water running!

Goof offs Rene' and Glenn posing - they're always doing something crazy!!

This plant was blooming as we raced by so I made Glenn back up so I could get a picture of it!  It was pretty cool looking!

An awesome day spent with friends!


Teri said...

Very cool place!

DrKeppy said...

So pretty! Love the photo of the guys - ha!

Jill said...

Just beautiful!