Monday, April 6, 2020

March Photo Dump

My two daughters that blog have started doing a monthly "photo dump" off their phone of random photos that don't need an entire blog devoted to them - so I'm following suit!

I decided I HAD to have a haircut - I normally get one about every 4 to 6 weeks!!  I had brought scissors so just started in!

It didn't turn out too badly!  Of course it's pretty hard to screw up my haircut!

Here's the sea glass Glenn and I have picked up so far.....

This is how the propane gas is delivered - the truck comes around twice a week (although the last couple of weeks it's only been once a week) and plays a tune (like the ice cream truck) and you just go out and flag it down.  They bring it in and hook it up and you pay them!  Sounds easy - we haven't run out yet!!

We usually watch TV at night but I think the wind was going crazy that day and we actually watched during the day!  No regular TV - just a DVD player and a few movies I brought!  We also can watch Netflix on the computer screen!  Glenn makes awesome popcorn -and sits on the lounger sometimes as the couch is so uncomfortable!!

One day he caught a rooster fish from shore!!!  He quickly walked up with it so I could take a picture and then released it!  They aren't good to eat but he later found out that the gardener would have taken it for soup - next time!!

And what photo dump isn't complete without a couple more sunrise pictures!!

One story I forgot to write about:  the very first night we were here, we left our slider open and there was no screen on it - we have one now!  Anyway, we just left it open a little ways as it was warm in the bedroom!  In the middle of the night, I kept hearing sounds from the kitchen - and then there was a crash!!!  I was petrified and we both jumped up - couldn't find the light switch - and then we heard this cry that sounded like a sick dog!!!  Finally got the dining room light on and saw a black cat in the kitchen - it jumped on top of the cabinets and of course was scared to death (as we were!!!!)  Glenn went out and got the broom and got it down and then it ran into our bedroom and under our bed - wonderful!  He scooted the broom underneath the bed and the cat ran out!  And so went our first night!


Teri said...

Love the random photos - and what a story about the cat!

DrKeppy said...

Yay for photo dumps!!!! And for remembering random stories!

Jill said...

Jessi's to thank for the photo dump idea!