Thursday, June 18, 2020

Deer Encounters

The girls really wanted to get close to the deer who hang out around here!  And when they went out to do their yearly task of collecting pine cones, they saw a couple of deer and ran to get a little corn so we could get pictures!  They were pretty excited to see them!  Somehow Aleah's picture didn't turn out....

It's more fun to pick up the NEW pine cones that have just fallen off the trees - they're firm and BIG this year!

The girls helped me make cinnamon blueberry muffins!

Grapes on the swing!

The girls requested cheese pizza and chocolate chip cookie dough from Papa Murphy's - of course I obliged them so I could eat cookie dough too! It was lovely out on the deck!

And another hot tub night - with ice cream sandwiches as snacks after their showers!

And another day is gone....


DrKeppy said...

They sure get spoiled at your place!! :)

Jill said...

I was just thinking the same thing Jessi said...they get SO spoiled!