Friday, August 15, 2008

Olympic Woes!

My ONLY complaint about the Olympics is that they are on past my bedtime and I'm losing sleep every night by attempting to stay up and watch them! I LOVE watching them - my favorite is gymnastics and wouldn't you know it, they don't even get started till after 10:00 mountain time and by 11:00, I just can't keep my eyes open any longer!

I'm sure anybody reading this is going to say "So if she can't stay up to watch them, why doesn't she just record them and watch them another day????" And you are SO RIGHT in saying that! But to me, 1/2 the fun is actually watching it "live" and judging each event myself, trying to determine who the winner will be. And I love the anticipation of getting to that final event or final person and then watching to see who will actually win that gold medal!

So last night the women's all around gymnastics was going to be on - By 10:00 I was exhausted and they hadn't even started it yet! I had no choice - I had to record! But of course when the radio goes off at 5:45 this morning, what do you think is the first thing I heard? Right - the gold and silver medal winners of the gymnastics event! When you're surrounded by TV, radio and computers, it's really tough to NOT know what's going on in the world!

Even though I know the outcome, I will still watch my recorded event from last night. But it just won't be the same.................

1 comment:

ahh bear said...

I agree! It sounds like the gymnastics are on the same time here and it's SO hard to stay up. When I do, I'm grumpy in the morning and Pierce is going to get up at his normal time whether I'm tired or not! I REALLY wanted to see the all-around finals live but I decided to be "an adult" and DVR it. Then I had to avoid all internet pages that might show the result and tell anyone I was talking to to "NOT" tell me the results b/c I took Pierce to the art museum this morning and couldn't watch until this afternoon! But it was a surprise when I finally did see it (plus I could fast forward through the commercials!).