Monday, October 20, 2008

It's JUST Like Being At The Movies........

A big thank-you goes out to Robby for hooking up our surround sound system on Sunday!! WOW - does it ever sound great! All the little speakers are up and the DVD player is now hooked up and can you imagine being down to ONE remote to control everything! All thanks to Robby - he's the BEST when it comes to electronics!

Even American Furniture Warehouse came through today - yes, our entertainment center is now completely together and ready for use!

On the downside, it was time to check out Craigs List again as the washing machine was on its last leg! Glenn tried taking it apart today and decided that after 19 years of service, it was time to haul it to the junkyard and get another one - and since the dryer is that old too, we'll replace it at the same time!

Wonder if anyone will trade a washer and dryer for a big screen TV????

1 comment:

Teri said...

Wish we could get down to one remote - how nice! Bet you are really enjoying all your nice new space. Good luck with the new washer and dryer!