Thursday, October 30, 2008

You Just Need To Know Where To Post It!

We've been trying to sell our big screen TV for about a month now - thought we had it sold once - didn't happen so it was back on Craigs List once again. No action - no place to store the TV - what's the next step?

Glenn had a great idea - since he needs some help pouring concrete for the concrete driveway outside of the new garage AND help with starting the construction of the next garage (a single car garage that will hook onto the big garage) he suggested the bartering section - our TV for your labor!

SO I ran a description of the TV and how many hours labor we wanted and posted it about 7:30 on Tuesday morning - by 10:00 we had 4 inquiries on the ad - by 12:00 Glenn already had a guy hired! It was easy as pie - the TV will be gone soon and we have help for 3 days!

Since everyone around seems to be short on money these days, the barter section on Craigs List is getting quite the workout! I think it's wonderful! Wonder what I could trade to get my house cleaned?

1 comment:

DrKeppy said...

What a great idea! You knew you married him for a good reason :) Glad to see that TV will FINALLY be sold!