Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Singin' The Blues

I'm home sick today - I must have whatever is going around - the chest that feels like there's 100# of weight on it, the cough that hurts and the throat that keeps telling me "don't swallow as it's just too painful"! I actually don't feel THAT bad but I have no voice, and it's a little tough to be at work having to answer the phone! So I had to call in for a sick day!

I really don't like to miss work - I would rather be there doing my day to day routine instead of being home KNOWING I should be relaxing - but that's something I don't do too well when I know it's a work day!

So in between reading, relaxing and dousing myself with vicks, I'm doing a few things around the house that really couldn't be done until the basement was finished. I may even turn on the TV although I doubt it - I'm just not a TV watcher during the day!

Somehow I WILL make it through this day and I WILL be back at work tomorrow !


ahh bear said...

Get well soon!!! :)

Teri said...

What the pits - if you have to stay home at least you should feel well enough to do something you like. Hope you are feeling better soon.