Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Smoke Gets In Your Eyes!

It started out as a typical evening - I was busy washing the windows (yes, it's fall, time to do the windows again!!) when it started snowing - not a lot, just a few flakes now and then.

We headed up to bed around 10:30, knowing that it might snow overnight and get a LOT colder! Around 1:30 am the smoke alarms started that horrible piercing sound - can you imagine being aroused from a dead sleep with every smoke alarm in the house going off?

Glenn and I jumped out of bed and he hit the light switch and we immediately could see (as we sleep in the loft) that the house was filled with smoke - not just a little bit, a whole lot! Glenn raced down 2 flights of stairs as somehow we both knew it wasn't a fire, but the new wood stove!

I threw on a robe and for some unknown reason, did NOT put slippers on (hence, the cold, cold feet an hour later) and raced down to the main floor and started opening windows and doors - the smoke started racing outside as soon as I opened the doors but alas, the raging blizzard outside, started coming in!

Glenn realized what had happened - the blizzard had created a downdraft and he had also put a huge log in the stove that he didn't realize was full of pitch and it was smoking like crazy! What a mess! The log was too big and hot to take out so just had to burn! He spent the next hour on the couch, watching the wood stove.

I ended up mopping the wood floor as about 1/2 hour after I had opened the deck door, we had about 1/4" of snow on it AND the couch AND the carpet! But I didn't mind the mopping and cleaning up, anything to get rid of that smoke smell!

I headed back up to bed but couldn't sleep as I had a raging headache and the smell in the loft was still bad - so I ended up sleeping with the window open all night!

The smoke smell was STILL in the house this morning so Glenn will air the house out again today! We ended up getting 5" of snow so it was a treacherous drive to work this morning! But as always, the snow is beautiful and the blessing of the day is our house didn't burn down!


Teri said...

How scary! Glad it wasn't anything worse and I hope the smell disappears fast!

DrKeppy said...

Oh my goodness - how scary! I'm glad it wasn't a fire! Talk about a rude awakening! And snow too - Gary will be excited!!