Sunday, August 16, 2009

Baby Aleah Comes To Visit!

Aleah took her first long "road trip" when her and Jill came down to spend the weekend at our place! I couldn't believe how much she had grown! These little ones just grow way too fast and if you don't see them for a couple of weeks, you can really see the difference!

It was a fun weekend, not doing a whole lot of anything, but holding Aleah and visiting with Jill - we took a long walk one day around the subdivision with Aleah strapped to Jill in a really cute carrier, spent a little time outside on the deck with cinnamon rolls and coffee, watched a movie, and even played a few games of cribbage - it had been a LONG time since I had played so the rules had to be sorted out first! But we enjoyed it and decided we needed to play it more often.

Isn't this picture precious of Aleah - they're so cute when they sleep!! And speaking of sleeping, Aleah is already doing 5 hour stretches during the night between feedings - wow - Jill is certainly doing something right!

We dressed Aleah up both days so I could get some cute pictures of her - she's actually smiling quite a bit, but not on demand of course, so it's tough to capture her cute little smile!! But it sure melts your heart when she looks at you with those blue, blue eyes and smiles!

A friend had brought over a baby scale so we FINALLY figured out how to use it and put Aleah to the test - 10# 7 oz!! She's one healthy baby!
It was hard to say goodbye as I won't see her for another month - I know she'll change a lot during that time so pictures will just have to suffice! After all, Glenn and I are two extremely lucky grandparents to have 5 of our grandkids so close!


Patty Jensen said...

Oh she is sooooooo cute - just want to hold her!!!

Teri said...

What a cutie - bet you enjoyed that weekend!