Friday, August 21, 2009

This And That!

It's Friday - I have coffee in hand, groceries all bought and in the frig here at work, and my desk is NOT covered with things to do! Must be a great Friday!

It was cold out again this morning when I got up - 38 degrees! We've had more than a week of these kind of temps in the morning so I guess I will just have to deal with it and know that fall is just around the corner!! In fact, when I walked on Thursday, I noticed that the bushes down by the pond below our house were all gold and orange - I was shocked - how dare they turn colors already when we haven't had a hard frost yet!

Twice coming to work in the mornings this week, I've seen the herd of elk along the highway and they have several "calves"- they're the cutest little things - running around and jumping - I'm sure by next month they'll be headed up the mountain as elk season starts!


I'm watching my calorie intake for the next month or however long it takes to drop just a few pounds - the easiest way for me to do this is to write down everything I eat and put the calories beside it and then total it for the day - my, my, I had NO idea how many calories are in some foods! It's amazing I don't weigh 300 pounds! So far, I've done pretty good - what seems to work best for me is the Special K "diet". You eat it for breakfast and for lunch and then eat a normal meal for dinner! Works for me as I just bring a box of cereal into work and some milk and presto - lunch is served! But I'm also cutting way back on my snacks and evening meal just to speed the process along a little bit! Jaime is cutting calories too - we BOTH want to look spiffy and skinny when we head to DisneyWorld this Nov!


Wednesday night we headed over to D and J's cabin over by Guffey where they have a LOT of acres and cute little cabins on their property! The views from this place are undescribeable! We rode ATV's around the property and up the mountain and had a great time! I think Glenn forgot how much he enjoyed driving an ATV so I have a feeling this may be his next purchase for hunting! It was a wonderful evening!


We're looking forward to Saturday as Jaime, Jessi and the 4 kids are heading down from Denver and meeting us for a day at the North Pole! Glenn and I have taken Rayna there for several years but now the boys are old enough to enjoy the kiddie rides so it should be a fun day! I'll have my camera in hand to capture the moment so until then...............

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