Saturday, June 26, 2010

Believe Me, They Were NOT Invited!!!!

My girls will remember this: The attack of the moths when we used to live over on Edlowe Road!! There were a few years where for a couple of weeks during the summer, the moths arrived - and oh my gosh, they were awful!!! They somehow got in every crack in the house and when nighttime came, flew around in droves in the house - it absolutely almost drove us crazy!!

You can't just swat a moth - first of all, you never can hit them anyway and if you do connect - yuck - all that powder stuff all over your window and screen!! And second of all, they rarely land it seems - they're always flying around!

We had two solutions: the first one was sucking them up with the hose part of the vaccum - it was really gross because at that time we had a rainbow vaccum which is the kind where you put water in the bottom and that's where all the dirt (and moths!!) went!! The second thing we did was to turn on a bright nightlight right by the bathroom sink and leave a sinkful of soapy water - in the morning there would be all these moths dead in the water - that was gross too scooping them up and flushing them down the stool!!

We haven't had moths for years - until last night!! So I'm reading by the lamp in the living room and notice there's 3 moths flying around the lamp driving me crazy but I didn't think much about it. Bedtime came and I ALWAYS read myself to sleep (I know, not a good habit to have) and I turned on the lamp and sure enough those 3 moths from downstairs flew up and started buzzing around the lamp, driving me crazy once again - I laid back on my pillows and happened to glance up at the vaulted ceiling and OH MY GOSH - there are at least 15 to 20 moths flying around up there!! Soon to be headed down to my lamp!!

I did what any normal woman would do - I grabbed the sheet and covered myself from head to toe - of course that didn't last long as I'm claustophobic!!! I reached out and shut off the light but then Glenn started swatting in the dark, saying they were landing on him and that was it for me!!

I got up and put my brain to work, trying to decide what to do! I ended up moving a small lamp into the downstairs bathroom and did the soapy water trick!! Then I kept turning lights off and on to bring them downstairs - I ended up reading in the living room for about 1/2 hour, hoping they all came down and I used a flashlight to get up to bed, also unplugging the nightlight in our bathroom!

And I did sleep good!! I was excited when I got up to come down and see how many moths were in the soapy water - guess how many???? ONE - ONE LOUSY MOTH!!! Which means the other 20 or so are waiting in hiding to attack once again tonight!! But I'm ready for them this time - the vaccum is all plugged in and ready, waiting by our bed!!

The neighbor stopped by this morning and needed a tool of Glenn's which was in the small garage - I walked out with him and he raised the door - have you ever seen a movie or a show when a door or cave is opened up and the bats come out flying by the hundreds???? Well, this was EXACTLY like that except they were moths!!! Hundreds and hundreds came bolting out of that dark garage - it was awful!!! We went inside and then another batch hurled out of the rafters and we had to duck and duck - oh my gosh - I can't imagine how many of them there were and I really DON'T want to know!! I just hope they bed down again in the garage and leave the house alone tonight!!!

If you hear a motor running all night, you'll know it's just my vaccum working overtime tonight!!


ahh bear said...

That would freak me out!!

DrKeppy said...

Oh I am laughing reading this!! Oh the memories of the MOTHS! Sorry you are having to re-live them. How strange that they are back again (and that they even are like that when they do!!). Remember how Pepsi used to catch them and eat them? Maybe you'll have to get a cat just for that purpose... Good luck!

Teri said...

Does not sound like fun at all! Good luck!