Sunday, July 25, 2010

We're Going To The Zoo, Zoo, Zoo!!

IS there anything more fun than going to the zoo with your kids and grandkids??? This year, we were all there except for Robby which made for quite a bunch of us roaming around - we also had a couple of Jill's friends and their little boy so we were quite the crew!!

Jill and Aleah headed down to our place late Thursday night so they rode with us on Friday morning and we met the Smiths' and the Keppys' at the zoo!! We had 2 strollers for the 4 younger ones and it worked out perfect!!

The BEST thing about the Cheyenne Mountain Zoo is their giraffe compound - it's awesome!! And one of the fun things to do is to buy the crackers and feed them - only this year the giraffes just didn't seem to be hungry at all so we had crackers to spare!! Maybe next year..........

It was tough getting all the kids together but the backdrop on this picture is one of my favorites!!

The "Backyard" is always a fun place for the kids - looking at the fish, getting sprayed by the mister, chasing the chickens, and sitting in the BIG chair for a picture!!

Gary, Brad and I walked back to the vehicles which were parked right at the entrance, and got the ice chests for our picnic lunch!! We had a nice cool spot right next to the carousel!

Some of the gang rode the Mountain Skyway and we waved them off as they headed up the mountain!

Another family picture!! Do we all look a little tired???

It was one fun day at the zoo!


DrKeppy said...

You got some great pictures! I am so glad it worked out for all of us to go (and on a weekday at that!). Gary is already talking about wanting to go again!

ahh bear said...

That looks like SO much fun - great pics!

Teri said...

I love going to the zoo (in fact I was wondering if NC had one that I could take our little ones to??)