Monday, October 25, 2010

Preparing For Winter...........

We actually STAYED HOME this last weekend with NO company - I know - you're in shock!! I was trying to figure out the last time we were home with no plans and I think it was sometime last is busy............

But we planned a work weekend because:

1) wood needed to be cut for the LONG winter ahead
2) the pile of scrap lumber that has been sitting out back FOREVER was begging to be cut up with the chainsaw and stacked neatly under the deck
3) the summer/winter clothes switch was in dire need of getting done as it's certainly not capri weather anymore
4) the old camper needed to get brought to town so we can sell it (at Glenn's work)
5) the storage area was so cluttered you could hardly get to the freezer
6) the garage needed a good cleaning and some rearranging done

Yes my back and arms are sore today - my cold seems to be a little worse from all the wood dust - BUT the above list is DONE, crossed off that never-ending list and there's a smile on my face from accomplishing SO MUCH over the weekend!!


Teri said...

What a great accomplishment! I started on the winter/summer clothes switch but did not get it finished - maybe this weekend!

DrKeppy said...

Impressive! You are the QUEEN of making lists AND getting them done!!