Sunday, February 6, 2011

The Smiths' Come To Visit!

Jaime and the kids, plus Rayna's best friend Kealy, headed down for the weekend!! Brad was out of town so we missed him..........

What a fun weekend we all had!! We played lots and lots of games - which is great for me because I LOVE to play them!! I think my favorite is Mexican Train and it's great that Rayna is old enough to play it and understand it!!

See what happens when you have an older sister and Nana has lots and lots of old dance costumes??? Jaime and I could hardly stop laughing!

One of our projects was making Valentine's Day cards - between the craft box and my scrapbooking supplies, the kids had plenty of materials to use!

Jaime requested Plantation Supper for one night and manicotti for the other night - which worked out just fine since I needed to make a batch of manicotti to freeze for Jill when she has the baby so I ended up making 2 batches! And I made another batch of crepes which turned out wonderful - no strawberries in the store though so I used a can of cherry pie filling - ALMOST as good as the strawberries...........

We had snow most of the weekend - so the kids had a ball bundling up and playing outside (pics of sledding in the next blog!). They all piled into Papa's jeep to plow the driveway!

One of the most fun things for the kids is when the deer come around - and this weekend was perfect since they not only SAW the deer, but got to FEED the deer!! One of the brave ones even
ate right out of their bowl!

Saturday night we popped popcorn and watched "National Treasure" - always an exciting movie to watch!! And after the kids got up at 6:00am on Saturday morning, I was excited when they slept in on Sunday morning!!


Teri said...

What fun! Didn't know the deer came up that close to you. Bet the kids loved that!

ahh bear said...

Oh my Kylan!!! LOL!!!

What is Plantation Supper?