Monday, December 10, 2012

A Cripple Creek Christmas

Cripple Creek here we come!!  I had 2 things planned for Jaime and Rayna - tea at Creations Everlasting and tickets for "A Christmas Carol" at the Butte Theater!
Rayna looked cute as a button in her new sweater and leggings!
Take note - this may be the LAST time you see Mr. Frog sitting on the fireplace because once again it's time for predictions on Christmas Eve and trust me, Glenn and I did NOT win this year (I only know because I had to look at ours to let the girls know what things they need to have ready by prediction night - heights and weights, etc.)  He sure does look cute in his red hat and scarf........

The tea place has moved - it's now at the other end of the town in a much smaller place but still cute as can be!!  We introduced Rayna to the proper way of drinking tea (or we tried to anyway!) and told her that the dainty sandwiches were NOT to be stuffed in your mouth in one bite!  She begged to differ!

I had  cranberry pomegranate tea while Jaime chose the Christmas chai and Rayna had some type with peppermint which she did like!

Aw, mother and daughter full of smiles!!

We had a lovely time at the tea and Rayna really appreciated the fact that we did indeed get dessert as she thought she was going to starve with just the little tea sandwiches!!  The scones (apricot and cranberry) were fresh out of the oven and SO soft and good - also served were tiny key lime tarts which were excellent!!  Rayna loved them and proceeded to eat I believe around 6 of them!!

Next was the C. Crk production of "A Christmas Carol" - it had been rewritten around the town of C. Crk and there were lots of laughs!!  But as you recall, it's also sad in certain parts and Jaime and I found ourselves wiping our eyes several times!!  The cast did an excellent job and I highly recommend seeing it!!  Of course we sang Christmas carols before the production and afterwards was the famous OLIO which was great!!!  What a fun day we had!!!

We arrived home to find that Papa and Kylan had had a fun day too - they went to the feed store and bought some grain for the deer and actually stopped at the play park for a while, even though it was cold and windy out!!  After dinner and a movie, it was off to bed!!

We knew it was supposed to snow and I woke up around 2:00 and looked out - yes, it was coming right down!!!  I was even excited to get up in the morning so I could look outside as I sat in front of the fireplace...............I LOVE watching it snow!!

Rayna discovered she liked playing Phase 10, the card game, which is one of my favorites too!!  It was quite funny as everybody was waiting for an "8" and they just never seemed to show up!!  So I looked through the pile after one of the hands and sure enough, there was only ONE 8 there!!!  I ran to the closet to look in the basket where I keep the game (and just so you know, the box WAS falling apart) and sure enough, there's a stack of about 30 cards, including the rest of the 8's!!  We got a chuckle out of that!!

Kylan was patient and helped his mom play and then we played Go Fish with him!!
All too soon it was time for them to brave the snowy roads home...........another fantastic weekend with lots of memories!!!

1 comment:

DrKeppy said...

I wish I was there! Rayna looks SO grown up in that outfit!!! Glad you had a great time!