Sunday, December 16, 2012

Trees Now Adorn Our Showroom!

Bringing the outside into our showroom is a magical effect!!  And what a beautiful job Amy Springer did!! 
Glenn had met her when she had done a painting on a wall of one of his clients and invited her to come in and meet me - after I looked at her portfolio, I knew she just had to do some trees on one of our walls!!
Her detail is impressive - and though you can't see it in the pictures, it's a 3-D effect as the base is like a plaster template and then she paints over the top of it!

The aspen tree is my favorite - because of the build-up she did in the corner, you can actually "feel" the holes in the tree!
I guess because fall is my all time favorite season anyway, the aspen leaves make me smile every time I look at them - some of them are even painted a metallic and when you stand in a certain spot and the light hits them, they sparkle!!  WOW - I am truly impressed with her work and we have a small display set up, hoping we can drum up some business for this truly artistic gal!


Teri said...

Really cool looking! Would love to come see it all!

DrKeppy said...

Wow- they look amazing!!! Am trying to picture exactly where this is- guess I'll have to come and see it in person!