Wednesday, December 5, 2012

I Want To Play Too!!!

Check it out - a NEW playroom for the kids!!!
And the reason it came about is because I took all of my scrap booking into work - the table, bookshelf, shelving unit and ALL the supplies!!  Which left me with one pretty nice space in our office and I immediately knew what I was going to do with it - make a play area for the kids!!

Up to this point, all the "toys" were in a tub in the closet along with all the other stuff and I would drag it out to the living room where the tub was promptly emptied by the kids and not only was all over the living room floor, but spread out into the dining room and the kitchen - total disaster!!  So I ordered the brightly colored unit in the picture and was surprised at how much it held - there are even little covers for all the containers!

Now at least it is contained pretty much to one room!!  And of course there's more room for 2 little girls in sleeping bags to sleep too!!

All in all it was a huge success and the kids loved it!  So does Nana and Papa!!

1 comment:

Jill said...

Yes, they loved it and so do I!!! Our kids get spoiled at your house!