Monday, December 3, 2012

Home Holiday Tour/Kenzie's Birthday

This is what you get when you tell the kids one TOO many times to say "CHEESE".  Pathetic!
It was a gorgeous night out so Jill, Jessi and Gary decided to do the hot tub while Glenn, Robby and I opted to watch TV - I think the 3 in the hot tub had the better deal!!

Everybody slept great on Friday night and we didn't even hear the pitter patter of little footsteps early in the morning!!  We left the kids with the guys and the 3 of us headed to the Home Holiday Tour in Woodland Park - we met Robby's mom, Bev and she rode with us!

As usual, the homes we saw were beautifully decorated - one was over the top huge and SO beautiful while a couple of the homes were so cluttered with "collections" of Christmas items and things from around the world that you didn't even know which way to look!!

Bev and Jill had to leave early as they had a funeral to attend so Jessi and I finished up the tour ourselves - since the line at Subway was so long, we just opted to go to Glenn's shop and eat a bite of lunch there which worked out perfectly!!  The BEST house we saw was the very last one and we both loved it - an open concept with fantastic views of the peak and a nice comfy feel!!

Back at home, it was time for Kenzie to open a few of her presents - she was quite excited to say the least and of course cute as a button!!

Papa and I got her a Fur Real kitty - when you press the button it meows and walks - it's the next best thing to having your own kitty I guess!

Gosh, I almost forgot about our water incident!!  In fact, I probably forgot to blog about the FIRST water incident when Jessi's were down 3 weeks ago!!  I had my new fountain upstairs and Evan insisted that I turn it on - I hadn't yet because I was waiting to set it on something but filled it with water and had it right at the top of our stairs!  I plugged it in and it started going but didn't seem to be working properly and about the same time, I'm hearing a sound that I just can't place!!!  So I look over the railing and guess what, water is streaming down onto the wood floor from the fountain - yup, my fountain had a nice crack in the bottom and it was pouring out like a sieve!!!  Kenzie was crying up a storm as her blanket just happened to be in the pathway of the falling water and it was quite a sight as Jessi was trying to mop up water and Gary and I were trying to get the rest of the water out of the fountain so it wouldn't leak any more!!

So Saturday, we had just gotten the girls out of the hot tub and dressed and Aleah is over by the island staring at something and at that time I start hearing the weird sound again - I raced over there and sure enough, water is pouring down the door frame of the guest bedroom from the upstairs!!  I knew it wasn't the fountain as Glenn had fixed it and it was sitting in the living room so I raced upstairs and yes, the bathroom is flooded....................I yell at Jessi to get Glenn from outside and start grabbing every towel I can find!!  The weird thing was it was the SHOWER (we have a step-in tiled shower but there's about a 4 inch ledge) that was flooding over the edge but the shower wasn't on?????  By this time Glenn is up there and yelling for the plunger so I find it and he plunges the shower AND the toilet and the shower starts to drain after all this black gunk comes up - YUCK!!!  We're assuming the toilet was plugged or possibly the shower and it was all backing up!  I mop up that floor with the rest of the towels and Jessi starts in on the first floor - no real damage, just a lot of wet stuff in the pantry but luckily no drywall - and then head to the basement where a little bit has come through also - OK - I am NOW TIRED of mopping up water!!!!

We had a very early dinner as by 5:15 we were out the door and headed to the parade......To Be Cont'd.........


Teri said...

The tour sounded great - the water problem not so great!

DrKeppy said...

It was such a fun tour once again - thanks Mom! And goodness - how did I forget to blog about the water too??? LOL