Friday, November 8, 2013

No Worries..................

My morning walk is the above picture - the first time I walked it, I had visions of the jaguar coming out of the jungle - but luckily he didn't appear!!  It was fun to walk along the shore and see what the tide had brought in that morning - shoes, bottles, ropes - it's amazing how much washes up!

Another picture of our treetop cabana which didn't get posted the day before - our home away from home!

We brought Hugo a Broncos hat and he loved it! 

This will be a pretty boring post because all I did all day long was READ - it was heavenly!!  I would rotate between the chair on our balcony and the hammock - and then stop in between for meals - ha ha!!

We did have some sun on Wednesday - it was sure hard to come by though..........lots of storm clouds and sometimes lots of wind but I still had the perfect spot as the table and chairs in our cabana was right in front of the screens that looked out on the beach - yes I could see myself sitting here hour after hour on my computer, just typing and peeking out at that beautiful beach!

Glenn fished whenever it wasn't too windy and caught more snapper for dinner that evening!

Ah, one of my favorite spots!

Here's the view from the hammock - as you can see, it was blue blue sky when I took this picture!

Glenn at happy hour later that day - he was all smiles after catching some fish!

The noseeum's and mosquitoes were relentless that evening as there was no breeze - we used up all of the bug spray we had and borrowed some to get us through the evening - dinner was snapper again and it's amazing how good the food tasted eating it all outside!

The owner Dan and the chef played their nightly game of chess before we headed to bed that night!

Yes, that's my pink IPOD case on the table - they had a huge boom box at the restaurant so I would bring my IPOD over and plug it in while we ate since we were still the only couple there!

Sleeping was fine that night and you can just imagine what it did during the night once again - yup it rained once again...............


Jill said...

Oh, the hammock looks heavenly!

DrKeppy said...

You look so cute in the hammock! What amazing views you had! WOW!

Teri said...

Just beautiful. Bet you came back all rested up.