Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Time For This Rain To Go Away

I'm not supposed to be blogging on vacation - I told myself that I was going to take a break from all of the electronics - but you know that's really hard to do!!  I have to check the business email daily and after I found out I had wi fi right in the room, it was tough to not blog - because after all, why WRITE something down on a piece of paper when you can type it - right???

We slept great again - and as you can tell from the top picture, the beach is pretty empty - but check out those storm clouds - yes they were around most of the day once again!!

Breakfast was delivered to our patio this morning but unfortunately we didn't get to eat it outside - the wind was so bad that we had to bring the little table inside and eat from there!!  Once again breakfast was delicious - and then the rain started in again............But I did catch some awesome pictures before then!

We just hung out while it rained and then decided we might as well go into Tulum and get the rental car exchanged for our jeep while the weather was bad.  The rental car agency was right as we went into town and you know how you get those feelings that it's not going to go good when you get there?  Yeah, well I had that feeling and sure enough I was right - we walked in with our paperwork, explained to the guy what was going on and that we were there to pick up an SUV and he just shook his head and said he knew nothing about it and did NOT have an SUV - figures............

But we talked awhile and then he said he would be glad to call his boss and see what could be done and 15 minutes later, he told us they were bringing us a JEEP from Playa Del Carmen and to come back in an hour!!  HOORAY - things were going to work out well anyway!!

So we parked in downtown Tulum, had some delicious chicken and rice for lunch, ice cream for dessert and then headed back to pick up the jeep - filthy inside but we didn't care - we knew it would get us where we wanted to go!!

By this time the sun was out so we raced back to the beach and threw on our swimsuits and hit the beach!!

The sun felt so good and although it didn't last too long, it was long enough to get nice and warm, play in the beautiful water and drink a pina colada!!!

Our room was being cleaned when we walked up so we hung out on our balcony for a while.

We took a nice walk on the beach before the sun went down but somehow the pitures didn't get posted so I'll start with them tomorrow!   Dinner that evening was at Zamas but it was kind of disappointing - we had went there with Teri and Jay years ago and had a great pizza but this time, not so good!!

And guess what we fell asleep to??  That's right - rain, rain and more rain.....................


Teri said...

Too bad on the rain but it is still beautiful! Hope you get some sunshine soon!

Jill said...

But the pictures are so beautiful! Hard to enjoy that awesome looking beach in the rain. Hope it clears up soon!