Tuesday, August 16, 2016

At Last - EGGS!

I didn't think the day would ever come when the hens would start laying eggs!  But a couple of weeks ago the first egg was laid by one of our bantys.  We only have 2 hens and 2 bantys so it's not like we're going to get swamped with eggs but it was pretty exciting to get that first one!!

Now the banty egg doesn't look that small here but keep in mind it's sitting in a teaspoon!

 And the eggs just keep coming!  They taste fantastic and here you can see 2 white store bought eggs along with the regular hen eggs and a little egg!

Do you think this means I can stop buying eggs?  Somehow, I highly doubt it!

1 comment:

Teri said...

I loved those little banty eggs. I had a co-worker who would sell me her eggs and those little ones were so fun! Unfortunately she moved so I am back to store eggs. I bet you will buy a whole lot less!