Thursday, March 26, 2020

Guests Arrive

Before we knew it, it was time for our 2nd set of company to arrive - Cindy and Rene' from Tx!  They were the original ones who came with us when we discovered Los Barriles, back in 2014!  I even pulled up my old blogs so we could laugh at our clothes, since we are still wearing those clothes!!  HA!!

Would it be mean to say I was almost as excited to receive this gift from them as seeing them????

The story behind the flyswatters is that there was NOT one in the house (although we had purchased one last year and left it!) and there wasn't a store in town where you could buy one!!  We checked and checked but to no avail - so I texted Cindy and asked her to bring one down!  (Along with some dark chocolate as Glenn kept eating all of mine!!)

Breakfast at Caleb's is always good!!  Then we headed over to pick up their ATV for the week!!

Because stopping at the grocery store seems to be an every other day occurrence, we stopped to pick up a few items and Cindy snapped this picture of ALL the toilet paper available!!

Happy hour is always fun with peach or mango dacquiris and guacamole!

Let the fun begin!!


Teri said...

So nice to have friends visit - sure it was a great time!

Jill said...

Glad they made it safely! Wonder what happened to the old flyswatter?

DrKeppy said...

Gosh it's been 6 years?! That's crazy! Yay for gifts from friends!