Wednesday, March 25, 2020

New Palapas - Gorgeous Sunrises

YES - I got my pictures to FINALLY download on the computer!  Patience is all it took!

So it's time to catch up on the blogging - in between of course reading the updates on the coronavirus and checking the daily stats!  Here on the Baja the number has increased to 5 cases - still pretty low - and still seeming like it's not going to hit hard in our area - but again time will tell!

So back to the fun stuff!!  When Patty and Leonard were here, we saw the "town" workers come and put up these thick tall poles - we speculated on what they were doing and Glenn finally figured it out!  They were going to build palapas - AWESOME!!

It was fun to watch the daily progress and the building process didn't take that many days!

Our gardener finished "skinning" the palm trees in the front yard and they look SO much better!

THE BEST SUNRISE EVER!!!!  WOW - I couldn't believe the sky when I got up that morning - it was totally amazing and I snapped (as you can imagine!) many, many pictures!  The sunrise hasn't been this spectacular since!!  (and no, I did nothing to the pictures - they are straight off my phone!)

Glenn is always excited when he catches a snapper!!

Life is good - life is stress free!


Teri said...

So glad it is stress free- enjoy it while you can! Love the sunrise!

Jill said...

Wow, those sunrise pictures are amazing!

DrKeppy said...

I can't tell you how many times the kids have looked at the photo of Papa and said "we have never seem him look so happy!!!" :) What a gorgeous sunrise!