Sunday, March 22, 2020

Plans Change

It's Sunday morning and yes, I am a week behind in my blogging but I'm having issues downloading pictures to the computer.....oh the joys of technology!

Our last set of house guests left yesterday so it's back to just Glenn and I - the house sure feels empty with just the two of us but it's a nice kind of quiet!

Check out this picture of the beach in front of our house - pretty lonely looking isn't it?  Glenn and I found it rather strange for a Sunday since most weekends are fairly busy, especially for Mexican families that come to the beach for the day!

So what is happening here on the Baja?  Most Cabo flights have been stopped - I'm sure there are still a few running but I also know from people we've talked to that most people who were scheduled to fly down have cancelled!  And some people from here have left to fly home or to drive home!

Right now there are only a handful of coronavirus cases here on the Baja - and none in our small town.  But recommendations are already in force - school was cancelled last week till the end of April - the border has shut down except for Americans going back into the states - large group gatherings have all been cancelled - many shops are shut down - and restaurants are taking added measures to ensure everyone's safety (no tables right next to each other - hand washing before you enter the restaurant)  And in time, all restaurants could close except for take out - time will tell!  But at this time, at least measures are being taken!

Glenn and I talked at length after our guests left - were we ready to leave on April 5th and drive home to the chaos in the states?  Would our house we're staying in be available if we decided to stay additional time?  Lots of questions with not a lot of answers!!

Since there are very few cases of coronavirus at this time on the Baja, we decided it really IS a good place to hunker down - between the beach, fishing, simple living, lots of sunshine, reading and ATVing, what better place to be at this time!!

I emailed our landlord in CA yesterday afternoon - he emailed me back right away that 2 sets of guests were already booked during the extra 3 week time we were asking about - but he said they would probably cancel anyway so he would contact them and find out!  He emailed this morning that both sets had cancelled and his next scheduled guests weren't until May 17th.  The house was ours until then if we wanted it!

And the best thing - he said it would be RENT FREE since we have "given" so much to the house this time (bringing 2 sets of blinds, a set of curtains and fixing several things around the house)!!  WOW - we were super excited about that since we had only brought a certain amount of cash with us!

So the decision has been made - right now we plan on extending our time here an additional 3 weeks - with the knowledge that things change!  If the virus hits our area and we feel uncomfortable staying here, we will immediately pack up and return to the states.  And if after the additional 3 weeks we feel we need to stay a little longer, we will! 

Only time will tell if we have made the right choice or not!  But it's a gamble we are willing to take at this time!  From all I read about the craziness of some of the people in the states, I think we will do just fine down here in our little patch of paradise!  

1 comment:

Teri said...

I would stay if I were you. It is just crazy here and so many unknowns. Stay safe and keep your distance!