Monday, March 8, 2021

February Photo Dump

A hodge podge of pics from life in Baja!!

This is where coffee break is taken most days!!

A new house is being built right beside Juan's house (Glenn's good friend and where Joleen, our next guest, stayed for a week before coming to our place) and it's been fun to watch the progress!!  This is the day they poured cement!

When we showed up for potato night we easily found our outside table!

Almost full moon!

Steps I saw on a walk one day - aren't they cool?

It's always fun when the horses come to visit!

Glenn and I have spent many hours in these chairs enjoying the ocean!

 And that's a wrap for February!


Teri said...

How beautiful!

DrKeppy said...

So fun! I'm curious to know more about potato night!

Jill said...

Life in the Baja looks great!