Sunday, August 24, 2008

Down History Lane

My workplace is the best! I'm not stuck in a tiny cubicle in some large office nor sitting at a desk looking outside at high-rises! I work in a historic log cabin that used to be somebody's home - and that's still what it feels like!

Gary (my boss) bought the cabin 10 years ago, did a little bit of remodeling and soon it became our Farmers Insurance Office! My desk sits in what used to be the dining room and Gary's office was the prior living room! Our views out the window are of Pikes Peak - it just doesn't get much better than that!

But the whole reason for this blog is that Gary did all the necessary paperwork to put the cabin on the list of historic homes in Teller County and last Friday was our "Open House" to formally present the cabin and to display his plaque!

We had several people from the Historical Society attend and after a ribbon cutting and the presentation of the plaque, refreshements were served! It was a nice ceremony and Gary did a great job telling us the history of the cabin which was built in 1922!

Even though I'm not into antiques, I really enjoy the cabin as Gary has filled it with his "treasures" from the past! He's done a great job of preserving the cabin's history and is to be commended!

What a great place to work! Not many people can call their work, their second home!

1 comment:

Teri said...

Sounds much nicer than my work space - a cubicle with no window access. Sometimes I don't even know it is raining or snowing out until I leave. I do have a window at my Beltline office so I try to get there once a week for my "sunshine".