Monday, April 5, 2010

Easter - Part 1

He Is Risen! He Is Risen Indeed!

What a wonderful weekend to spend with family! Egg hunts, Easter baskets, church, a nice big meal, dressing up those darling grandchildren - and as always, the promise of springtime in the air!

Usually Jill hosts our Easter get-together up in Ft. Collins but reality has set in with our ever-growing family! I had to give up Christmas - Jill had to give up Easter!! It's so much easier for the 4 families to get together in Denver since there are two houses - more space, more sleeping arrangements for the kids, more refrigerator space!! Look at it this way, after we've trashed one house, we just go to the other one - (just kidding).

Easter weekend turned out really nice, weather wise - yes, it was a little cool and a lot windy at times but it made for some great kite-flying!

Saturday morning found us at an Easter Egg Hunt in Courtney's neighborhood (Jessi's friend). It was a well organized hunt with different sections for the age groups and the kids not only picked up a lot of eggs, but each got a prize! Of course it was a little crazy when they all ran out and after all the eggs had been picked up, we couldn't find Kylan! Lo and behold, he had ducked under the crepe paper that was separating the next group of hunters and was picking up THEIR eggs!

After lunch, naps and some kite flying, we colored eggs - Rayna had a couple of her friends there also so we had a great bunch of egg dippers! Evan and Kylan are getting much better at putting the eggs in the colored water and I believe only 1 or 2 cracked during that process!

It was a wild and crazy afternoon! And the sad part - you have to crack open those beautiful eggs to make the devilled eggs for the next day!! To be continued.............


DrKeppy said...

Yes it was so nice to have springtime weather at Easter!! And I'm sure we'll use lots of the same pictures..even though there are over 300 to choose from!!!

Teri said...

What fun! I miss coloring eggs - maybe someday we will do it again.