Sunday, April 18, 2010

An Easy Afternoon On The Credit Card!

Bet you just couldn't wait to hear about all my bargains at the 4-H Auction this afternoon! But there were no great bargains to be had this year! Darn - but I did donate one of my Swedish Weaved Blankets and I'm proud to say it sold on the live auction for $100!

Maybe it was a good thing I didn't spend very much at the auction today, since the Verizon bill popped across my computer tonight - yikes - it was triple the normal amount! After a brief conversation with my better half, he admitted that yes, he had been using his phone a LOT in the last month but of course forgot to tell me so I could call and put us on a higher minute plan! Double Darn!! He's in the dog house now!


Teri said...

So sorry about the bargains but you must feel proud about your blanket!

DrKeppy said...

I didn't know you donated a blanket - that's awesome that it went for $100! I was excited to hear about all the bargains.. but oh well!

ahh bear said...

Yay on your blanket - that's awesome!!!