Monday, April 12, 2010


There is a LOT of picking up, moving, rearranging, and dumping to be done on our property! Now that the snow is going away (although there are still drifts along the side of the driveway), it's time to don the sweatshirt and gloves and start in - and that's exactly what I've been doing after work each day!

Glenn is getting a start on moving all the granite and the large racks into his place of work - but I have to be patient as I know it all takes time! But there's a lot of "other" junk that can be done also!

Now that Glenn is not using the big garage nor the wood stove in the small garage, we can move all the stuff that was stored by the side of the house, into the garages! I've been attempting to do that, a little bit each day! And the place is starting to shape up which is exciting!

Anyway, there was one item that was froze into the ground yesterday - so I grabbed an old wooden pole (probably the handle from a rake or hoe) and started prodding and digging to loosen the item - unfortunately my hand slipped and OUCH, I had a huge sliver ( I called it a piece of wood) sticking out of my thumb! (Yes, it had went right through my cotton glove!) I pulled the sliver out and gosh was that thing sore!!

When I later went inside, I took a look at my poor thumb and realized there were 4 more splinters in it and it was throbbing pretty good! Glenn suggested I just wait till the next day until my thumb festered up a little, saying the slivers would come out easier that way!

By the time I went to bed, my thumb was throbbing so bad I couldn't stand it so I grabbed a needle and the flashlight and told Glenn to have at it!! But after digging and digging and me practically screaming, those darn slivers just wouldn't come out and I told him to stop!

Sure enough, the next day they came out much easier!!! Not without a lot of pain of course but since we were outside, I could scream all I wanted!! (Just kidding - I'm really not THAT much of a wimp!!) My thumb doesn't look too good today but I'm sure by tomorrow it will be back to normal!! Oh, the perils of working outside...................


Teri said...

I can sympathize! I have two different cuts on my hands from moving things around and cleaning. And those little cuts are the worse!

DrKeppy said...

That does sound like an OUCH! Oh I hate splinters! Glad you are getting lots done though - I know how much you LOVE random stuff lying around your property....