Monday, September 13, 2010

Denver Happenings

As of Friday morning around 4:00am, I was a hunting widow for the week!! The nice things about having Glenn gone for a week are: 1) I don't have to cook for an entire week if I don't choose to 2) The house stays picked up at ALL times. The not so good things about him being gone are: 1) I miss him and really don't like being by myself at night 2) Something usually breaks down or goes wrong when he is gone! (Seeing as how it's only Monday night, I feel fortunate that whatever is going to break down, HASN'T yet!!)

I headed to Denver Friday after work and spent the weekend at Jaime's house!

Jaime's Surgery - Jaime had her tonsils out last Wed. - I guess she's probably doing as well as can be expected but she was hurting a lot when I was there and it's always hard for a mom to see her child hurt, no matter HOW old they are!!! Her throat not only hurt, but her tongue was very swollen and her ears felt like they were on fire! She could talk a little bit but most of our conversations were pretty one-sided! I know each day she'll feel better and better......

Garage Sales - Saturday morning Jessi and I headed to Caribou Coffee for our first stop!! I had read online that coffees would be 1/2 price that day if you wore your favorite "team" shirt!! So I emailed Jessi and asked her if she had any shirts as I didn't and she did!! Hawkeye sweatshirts were our team of the day and the 1/2 priced coffees tasted wonderful! We hit a LOT of garage sales - I wasn't looking for anything in particular but managed to get a 3 tiered shoe rack to put by the door for $2, 13 paperback books for $1, a game for Evan and Mackenzie for Christmas for $2, 4 kids books for $1, a fan that looks brand new for $7, and a clip on lamp for my scrapbooking table for $2!!!! But the best buy of the day was a the LARGE Fischer Price barn that opens up for $1 - there were a couple of animals that DID go with the barn and several that were of a hard plastic that really didn't go with the barn but the lady was selling them with it!! As we put the barn in the car, all those cute little animals fell out - Jessi picked one up and saw it had a small magnet on the bottom of each one and then we realized they actually went with another toy in the pile - a large treehouse type toy!! Jessi took the little animals back up to tell the lady they went with another toy and she said, Just take the other toy too!! So I REALLY got a bargain!! The treehouse toy is the cutest thing ever - you sit the animals in special spots and there's talking and music and numbers and colors - Mackenzie loved it and she'll find it wrapped up and under the tree this Christmas!!

The Playground - Jessi and I took all the kids down to the playground and the boys rode their bikes with training wheels all the way down and all the way back up!! They looked SO CUTE! It was downright HOT and I was glad to get back up to the house where it was cooler!!

Food and Drink - I made a batch of chicken and noodles which I know Jaime loves!! She won't be able to eat much of it for a couple of days yet, so we froze most of it but I know she'll enjoy it when she's able to eat it!! After our dinner Sat. night, I made a batch of peach fizzies which the kids love!! Kenzie is a riot to watch when she drinks them and her face was one sticky mess!!

Here are a few pics at the park!! (Courtesy of Jessi as my camera never made it out of my bag this time!!) The one below is one of those crazy pics where NO ONE LOOKS GOOD but it's so funny that you just have to post it!! Check out the kids' red faces from the heat!!

Jessi's House - Jessi and the kids had LOTS of new things to show me, including her newly painted bedroom walls which look WONDERFUL!! It's always nice to get an adjustment and since my lower back had been bothering me, I really needed it! Jessi also taught me how to use a jump drive on my computer - I'm pretty sure Robby had taught me at one time how to use it, but of course I had forgotten!
Walmart - Sunday I took Rayna and Kylan to Walmart as I needed to pick up a few things and also decided to get donuts for all of us! Both kids started arguing on the way back to the parking lot about WHO got to carry the bag of donuts!! Note to self: next time put ONE donut in ONE bag so each child gets to hold a BAG!!! After listening to them fight and bicker on the way home, I ended up holding the donuts in my lap!! And I also left the bag of things I bought on Jaime's dining room table - darn!!
It was good to get home on Sunday - our weekends have been filled for probably the last 2 months and all I wanted to do was to sit on the couch and watch TV - of course that was AFTER unpacking, laundry, unloading the dishwasher, paying bills, you get the picture!! But I'll leave you with this darling picture which makes me smile!


Teri said...

What a wonderful weekend. It is so nice that you are close and can do weekends with them. Enjoy your quiet week - I am waiting for just a few days to relax!

ahh bear said...

What a fun weekend! I bet you're enjoying your alone time too - I always love when I don't have to make dinner if I don't want to!!