Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Halloween Fun With The Grandkids!!

Glenn and I rarely get to be around the grandkids when it's Halloween time and I always miss seeing the kids in their outfits - but this year worked out perfect since Southlands Mall in Denver was having a special trick or treat walk on Saturday! A great time to put the kids in their costumes, get a little bit of candy and take some photos!!

I was sad when Jill called and said her and Aleah wouldn't be down on Saturday since Aleah was running a high temp and had been to the doctor - but Jill emailed me a couple of darling pictures so I could pretend she was there!!

Glenn and I left after work on Friday - we drove the truck since we were picking up the camper that weekend also - we locked my car in Glenn's shop and of course after doing that, realized his cell phone was in the shop AND the keys to the shop were in the pocket of his old jeans that he had changed out of! Not a great way to start the weekend!!
Glenn had an eye appt in the Springs and will soon be sporting new glasses!! And then it was off to Office Max to get some duplicate invoices printed up for the business!! So it was late before we finally got to Denver!

Sat. morning found us at Kohl's - of course, another great sale!!! Unfortunately the work pants I needed were NOT on sale but with the 20% percent off, ended up being cheaper than I expected!! The girls helped me pick out a new outfit for next weekend - my clothes tend to be about 10 years behind the current trend...................

After Caribou Coffee, we were off to look at an office site for Jessi - it's a great location and we were all excited about it and gave her some suggestions, if the place turns out to be the one she rents!!
And then, time to dress the kids for Southlands!!!

As usual, Papa was the only one that Kenzie would walk with - what a sight in that cute little unicorn outfit with her matching sunglasses!!!

It was an absolute zoo at Southlands - lots and lots of people and every imaginable costume!
But the kids had fun and that's all that counts!!

After trick or treating, we headed to Burger King where the kids had a ball playing in the play yard! And after breakfast at Jessi's the next morning, it was time to head out!!

With the camper on, we headed to Colorado Springs where Glenn had an appt. - I chose to sit in the truck WITHOUT a book to read as I had finished one at Jaime's house!! Jessi had given me a magazine to look at but after an hour, I had read it from front to back so ended up just sitting there for another and a half................
And then it was homeward bound where we tried unsuccessfully to get into Glenn's shop so I could get my car - little did I know that I wouldn't be needing it the next morning anyway.......


ahh bear said...

love the new tree on your blog and LOVE the Halloween pics - TOO STINKING CUTE!!!

Teri said...

Isn't it fun being with the grandkids at Halloween! Glad you were able to get there. And what happened on Monday????

DrKeppy said...

Cute pictures and even cuter grandkids! :) It was fun having you up for the weekend - the kiddos loved it!!