Saturday, January 15, 2011

French Crepes Anyone???

Jessi had my name for Christmas and got me exactly what I wanted - a crepe maker!! I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE CREPES!! Especially when they're filled with fruit and topped with lots of whipped cream!! One of my favorite places to eat in town is the Hungry Bear and everytime I go, I order the same thing, Strawberry Crepes and a side of bacon!!

So before Christmas, I started researching crepe makers and it wasn't hard to pick out the one with the best reviews - and that's what I received!!

This morning was the day to try out the crepe maker!! The recipe in the instruction booklet said the batter had to sit 30 minutes (guess that is because there is no baking powder in the batter) so I decided to go ahead and make it, since I had to first follow the instrctions for the FIRST time usage which meant turning it on high and then letting it cool back down!

After the allotted time, I started cooking the crepes - wow - they REALLY cook fast!!! I would hardly get the batter poured on the thing before it started cooking and yet, I still had to use the "special wooden tool" to spread the batter out!! I kept turning the maker down but it STILL cooks pretty fast!!

I had visions of beautiful huge round crepes - but that's just what they were - VISIONS!! In reality, the batter does NOT go to the very edge (you would NEVER have time to get it over there before it'd be done cooking) and unless you're extremely quick with the wooden utensil, they don't come out round, but every shape in between!!

No matter - it's the taste that counts - right??? I think I had 6 crepes done within 3 or 4 minutes and I had Glenn scramble some eggs up to put inside - the result - good, but not fantastic!! I have another recipe that sounded SO much better but I opted to try the manual one first - next time I will definitely try the other one as it has a little bit of sugar and a couple tsp. of vanilla in it and I do think that will give the crepe a much better flavor!!

But after the egg crepes, you can bet I HAD to have a fruit crepe - I didn't have any strawberries on hand - they're hard to get this time of year and super expensive so I just opened up a can of cherry pie filling and piled some on and topped it with whip cream - yum, yum!!! With the fruit crepes, this recipe tasted JUST FINE because of the sweetness of the fruit!! I was in heaven..........

So come on over anytime you want and I'll fix up some crepes for you!! No guarantee what they will LOOK like, but guaranteed to TASTE GREAT!!!


DrKeppy said...

No pictures???? mmmmm do they sounds yummy! Can't wait to come down and try one sometime!

ahh bear said...

What crepe maker is it?? And when you find a good recipe, I'd love to hear it - I love crepes too!

Becky Raymond said...

Amanda - it's the CucinaPro #1448 - and I'll let you know if the next recipe turn out to be the ONE!!

Teri said...

Sounds good. Can you mail some to me? :)