Thursday, January 20, 2011

Third Day's A Charm - I HOPE!!

2 days in a row now I've missed it - 2 days in a row I could have had some great shots - but my camera was sitting at home, once again............ When will I learn??

Yesterday I headed into work and between our house and Divide, there they were - the herd of about 80 elk - standing in the field RIGHT BY THE HIGHWAY!! It COULD have been a perfect shot because 1) they were right next to the fence line 2) there was NO ONE behind me so I could have easily slammed on my brakes and pulled to the side and 3) the sun wasn't up yet over the mountain so there was no sun glare, just perfect lighting.

Did it cross my mind to bring my camera this morning?? Absolutely not - I just headed out that door this morning and was thinking to myself that it sure was cold out (try 16 below) and I turned the corner at Twin Rocks Road and there they were AGAIN - the huge herd standing in this beautiful snow covered field RIGHT BY THE ROAD!! A perfect spot to pull off - but what was the use???? I was so close to them that I slowed way down to watch their steamy clouds of vapor release as they breathed in that cold, cold air!! It would have made an awesome shot!!

Tomorrow - my camera WILL be with me as it's already packed in the scrapbooking supplies - the chances of the elk just waiting for their photo to be taken?? Time will tell...............

1 comment:

Teri said...

No pic is sad but at least you got to see them! How fun. Hope you get one good shot so you can share!