Wednesday, March 30, 2011

6 Down - 18 To Go..........

That's continuing education credits by the way - I've hardly made a dent in my 24 credit hours that I MUST have by my birthday in July in order to renew my insurance license!

Luckily, we have several companies around that offer FREE credits and I've signed up for 12 credit hours with a company in Co. Springs - and that's where I've already received 6 of my credits!! The pros of doing the classes through this company are: it's FREE, it's VERY interesting, and they serve the BEST break food AND lunch!! The cons - I have to take off 1/2 day of work which cuts into my vacation time AND I have to drive to Colorado Springs to take the classes!

So where am I going to get the rest of my credits? Online, of course!! Another company I called has set me up online to take the rest of my classes (they're also FREE) but I find that I would rather sit in a classroom and take the credits than take the courses online because THEN you have to take a test at the end to prove you've taken the course!! I can't imagine taking these 12 hours online but I really don't have a choice so guess I better get at them soon!! The things we do for our careers...............


Teri said...

Good luck! Get is done so you can enjoy the summer when it comes!

DrKeppy said...

Oh the fun of CE credits... I don't mind doing the online ones because usually mine aren't too hard (I usually have to post my response on a message board). A lot of times you can take the tests as many times as you want at least!