Monday, March 28, 2011

Perhaps A Bit Too Early?????

I look forward to weekends when we're actually home with not a lot of plans - and I REALLY look forward to sleeping in just a little bit!! So why is it that Glenn gets up AFTER me every day during the week but on weekends he chooses to get up EARLY - like to the tune of 5:30???? Yes, I was just a little bit upset Saturday morning because when he got up, of course I woke up and COULD NOT get back to sleep...........

I decided to be ambitious that morning - Kylan was here the weekend before and after they left, I noticed he had drawn pictures on my bedroom windows - that's how bad the film was!! It was time to wash the windows!! So I gathered all the necessary supplies and started in - it was still early and quite cold out I noticed when I took the one window out and the breeze rolled in!!

Soon I was hanging out the window, cleaning the outside of the window - I scrubbed and scrubbed with my sponge but the more I scrubbed, this scum like substance kept getting worse - I just couldn't seem to get it off and it kept appearing, the more I wiped!!

I crawled back in and looked again at that darn window and then it dawned on me what the scummy type substance was - it was ice - I use very hot water and vinegar when I wash windows and it was still pretty cold outside and in the shade of course - so every time I would swipe the sponge across, the water was freezing behind it............LOL - that's what I get for trying to wash my windows TOO early in the season!!


Teri said...

That is hilarious! I will never have that problem as I hardly ever wash windows:)

DrKeppy said...

OH MOM!!! Only you... only you....! LOL