Monday, March 14, 2011

A Grandkids' Weekend!

Parker turned one month old this last weekend - and I got to help him celebrate!!

Jill, Aleah and Parker all headed down for the weekend and actually stayed 3 nights with us - and it was one of those great weekends where we did nothing spectacular at all - just stayed around the house most of the time!! I spent many hours holding little Parker and he's such a cuddle bug!!

Jill and I decided to take some month old pictures of him so I thought I would PRETEND to be Amanda (my niece who is an AWESOME photographer!!) and do a photo shoot - I had big plans on posting all the fantastic pictures that I took!! Well, it didn't QUITE happen that way!! When we decided to take the photos, the sun was streaming in our house everywhere and the whole lighting issue was a REAL problem!! We tried and tried to take pictures but just couldn't get the right light, the right angles, the right anything!!! Needless to say, we ended up with a few cute pictures which is all we needed anyway!! This one is my favorite I think - Parker was just so calm when I was taking the photos upstairs in our bedroom!!

Aleah was her usual helpful self all weekend - we had so much fun playing and playing, especially out on the front deck where it was so nice and sunny!!

She finally warmed up to Papa when he suggested they play with the balls - she LOVES balls!! And had a fun time sitting on the pool table, rolling balls into the pockets!

Saturday morning we took a trip to the playpark - Aleah loved the slide and had fun just running around - check out that blue, blue sky - the weather was awesome!!

Jill and I had fun just relaxing and catching up on a few things! We even got a few games of cribbage in!!
Hopefully Parker doesn't grow TOO fast before I get to see him again - seems like these babies just grow up too fast and there's not enough time to just sit and snuggle with them!!


ahh bear said...

LOVE your photo shoot photos!! love them!! good work!

Teri said...

Great pics and what a fun weekend! Enjoy them fast cause you are right - they grow up too soon!

DrKeppy said...

Oh I want to hold him!! Glad you had a great weekend!!