Monday, November 14, 2011

Breakdown Weekend!!

As we all know, sometimes things happen in groups of 3! So I'm waiting today to see what will be next........

Saturday was another wood day - Glenn actually cut another load of wood and after he returned, we spent a couple of hours splitting and stacking - and actually FINISHED it all up on Sunday!! What a great job to be done!! But by Saturday afternoon I was stiff and sore again so went to turn up the hot tub - it was dead - no power at all. Glenn checked it out and sure enough, the circuit board was fried - time to order another one and they're sure not cheap!!

Sunday I turned on my laptop to find a message stating to immediately backup all files on my computer as my hard drive was about to go!! Yes, I was in panic mode - of course I called Robby who checked it out and said it was true!! Luckily, he helped me download what needed to be downloaded and will order me a new hard drive that he'll install over Thanksgiving for me - whew.............

Monday is not quite over yet...............


Teri said...

Good luck! I hate it when things break.

Patty Jensen said...

Me too!!!

DrKeppy said...

Glad nothing else broke!! That's NEVER fun!