Thursday, November 17, 2011

A Filthy, Dirty Car

I washed my car on lunch hour - 42 degrees with winds blowing about 30 mph - it was like taking a shower at the same time I was washing the car. BRRRRR!!

But it was needed - my car was so dirty I couldn't get in and out of it without getting dirty - and with a Denver weekend coming up, I thought it might be nice to be able to see out of the windows.

After the car wash, I went to get the mail. When I walked back out of the post office I panicked - my car was gone! Until I realized that nice looking SILVER car in the parking lot was actually mine instead of the brown one I usually drive...........LOL....


ahh bear said...

Wow - you are dedicated!! I am SO in need of a carwash and I should've done it yesterday when it was 80!

Teri said...

I can understand!

Patty Jensen said...

Dirty cars - something we always have here too!