Sunday, November 6, 2011

My Aching Back!

It's definitely a hot tub night!!! Both Glenn and I are a little stiff and sore from the days' activities!! While I went to church, Glenn went over to Martin and Joleen's to borrow their wood splitter - up to this point, Glenn would go outside each evening and split enough wood to get us by through the night. It was TIME to get the wood all split before winter sets in!!

Check out this pile that Glenn has split and I have stacked!! Now you'll understand why we're sore this evening..............

But we're not done yet..........I got to the point where I just couldn't bend down and lift any more wood up to stack so I had to stop - Glenn worked a little bit longer and then said it was time to watch the Broncos game anyway!! The piles to the right of the picture still have to be split and as you can see, I'm WAY behind on stacking!!

The rest will have to wait till next weekend - especially since it's 5:30 and it's already dark outside - any volunteers for next weekend???? Hot tub, here we come!!!


ahh bear said...

I'm going to try this again.

When we lived in Dollar Bay, one of the jobs was tossing the wood we bought down the "wood hole" into the basement and stacking it. I kind of hated this job. I wasn't a very helpful girl though - I'd be happy to help now!

ahh bear said...

WOO HOO!!! And I'm back.

Teri said...

I love stacking wood but you are right - it gets to the back! I have a small stack outside the condo for my fireplace this winter.

Becky Raymond said...


Patty Jensen said...

First of all where has Amanda been? :) I bet your hot tub DID feel good - that was a lot of physical work! But won't it feel good this winter!!

DrKeppy said...

Never a title I like to see!! That looks like a lot of wood but I know you sure go through it! Good job!!