Thursday, November 3, 2011


Let me set the scene: snow falling outside, the gas fireplace flickering , a great cup of coffee in hand, a clean house and ME - just sitting there enjoying every second of it - I HAD A SNOW DAY!!

Glenn got up early and after checking the TV, yelled up that all the schools in the county were closed so to sleep a little longer - which I did!!

It was a winter wonderland outside and I hurridly dressed after I got up, not wanting to miss ANY time of my day off!! And since the weekend before was a work weekend, not only was the entire house clean from top to bottom, but the windows had all gotten washed too and the laundry was caught up - the day was MINE!!

As I sat there checking emails in front of the fire, I thought: is this what retirement is like? No obligations for the day, no committments, no WORK????? It was a GREAT feeling and for just that day, I DID feel like I was retired!

I worked on my Snapfish calendars to give the kids at Christmas, I finished reading a book, I simmered some apple cider, I scooped the decks and I scrapbooked!! It was indeed a day for ME and I look forward to more of those................

1 comment:

Teri said...

I am envious - sounds like a wonderful day!