Friday, July 13, 2012

Dinosaur Fun

Tuesday - I was hoping to sleep in a little bit but again that didn't happen - Kylan didn't talk near as much during the night but was pretty restless - Evan on the other hand, didn't move a muscle I don't think!  I woke up about 5:30 and peeked over at the boys and saw that all of Kylan's bedding was on the floor and he was sleeping on the bare air mattress!!  About 6:15 he came over to my bed and said it was time to get up and proceeded to yell at Evan to get up too!  It must be morning!!

I knew we had to get in gear as we were heading into town by 9:00 so after breakfast I made them sit down and do cards for their dads this time!  Note, the camo jackets went on OVER their pajamas!
After packing up the boys things (now I know what Jaime and Jessi go through every time!!) we headed into town and went to the Dinosaur Museum!  It was early yet so there were hardly any people inside which was nice!
I love this shot - typical kids when the sun is bright!!

The boys enjoyed walking around looking at all the dinosaurs and were very good!  We sat and watched a couple of shows on their TV's and they loved the one narrated by Ben Stiller that actually showed dinosaurs walking around and attacking other ones!  The educational show - not so much!!
They have a great little hands on play area for the kids!  The boys immediately found the puppets!

Kylan opted to use the magnetic parts to form a dinosaur on the board - Evan started on this project but soon discovered the books and he actually sat down and looked at several of them!
Both boys found it fun to see which animal they were when they stepped and jumped!

Of course no outing is complete with the gift shop!  I told the boys they could each pick out an item and naturally, they chose the same thing!

Our last stop before turning them over to Brad in Colorado Springs was Burger King!  Here again, they both ordered the same thing and had fun wearing their crowns! 

All in all it was a fantastic time with the boys, even though they wore me out!!  It will be fun next year when they come, to see the changes that kindergarten will have on them!  Thanks for coming down boys!!!


DrKeppy said...

You got some great pictures!!! I love reading all about their adventures!

Teri said...

How special! You must have had lots of fun and yes I am even tired reading about it.