Saturday, July 24, 2021

A Birthday, An Anniversary, and Celebrating the 4th

 The 4th is always celebrated in our family!  Happy Birthday Wishes to Aleah who turned 12 on the 4th - she loves celebrating her birthday in Iowa and fireworks are always included for her birthday!

Robby and Jill celebrated 18 years on their 4th of July anniversary!    This picture was taken when we went to Ft Collins and took them out for dinner!

And Glenn and I?  We didn't do much of anything!  I was only 5 days post-surgery so still had stitches in although was feeling pretty darn good!  We had a nice campfire with hot dogs and just enjoyed relaxing!

At least I'm smiling, huh?  Probably a good idea it was a distance picture because I sure wasn't much to look at yet!

I always believe that once the 4th of July hits, that summer is 1/2 way over - how can that be?  It feels like summer has JUST started!!


Jill said...

The 4th is always fun!

Teri said...

Busy busy summer!