Friday, July 16, 2021

Memories Are Made

 We decided to do the "nacho" table that evening that Jaime had done before for Kylans' birthday!  The kids loved it and there was plenty of nachos to go around for everyone!!

I'm not sure why I look totally mad in this picture but it's a great one of everyone else!!

We celebrated Father's Day after eating!  Glenn received a couple of cool gifts and then we played the game "Who Knows Papa Best".  I made up a list of questions about Glenn and had the adults write down their answer before Glenn would give a verbal answer!  I was totally impressed with the 3 girls who knew almost all of his answers!!  What fun that was!

While 3 of us cleaned the kitchen, Jessi took all the kids down to the rocks to re-create a picture from long ago!  I'm not sure what was said before this picture was taken but I LOVE it - really captures their personalities!!

And here is the official GOOD picture of all the cousins!

Earlier that day, Jessi took many photos of Nedelle in the beautiful surroundings for her senior pics!  Hopefully she'll find one she truly loves and here are a couple of my favorites.

That evening, the sky put on a fantastic light show with all the lightning (and yes, plenty of thunder too!)  Can you tell it was a little chilly outside?

What an awesome weekend spent with the family!!  We are so blessed to be able to get together and have a fun time, no matter what we do!


Jill said...

I had forgot about the lightning show! And the nacho bar was so fun!

Teri said...

How nice to be all together! Next week is our time - so excited!