Monday, July 26, 2021

If It's July - It's Birthday Month

 I was starting to look a little more normal in July since I got my stitches out on July 6th!  I had heard horror stories about how painful it was going to be when I got them out, especially since they were on my face so I even took one of my pain pills before I went!  Luckily it was a piece of cake!  And the Dr. was very pleased with how my face was looking!!  Hooray!

Saturday the 10th was Jessi's 40th birthday - how can my "baby" be 40 years old????  She celebrated by going to a nearby town to hear a local 80's band that she loves!  Gary, Jessi and Jill danced the night away and I KNOW they had a great time!!  Happy Birthday Jessi!

I actually worked my volunteer job at the Food Pantry on that next Monday - I had missed both times in June as we were in Iowa and then I had my surgery!  So it was great to be back and help out!  Glenn and I ate a quick bite when I got home and then we headed up to Ft Collins - wow, what a nice trip up with not a lot of traffic!  It seemed to be the perfect time to go!

We arrived around 8:30 that night at Jill and Robby's - their new dog Penny was very excited to see us of course!!  I'm still a little gun shy around dogs but Penny cuddled up to me the next day on the couch and we were all just fine!

And the next day, Tuesday was our birthdays!!  Jill turned 41 and I turned 68!  We grabbed some coffee to go at the drive through and went to Loveland to walk around the sculpture park!  I was really impressed with this huge park and all the wonderful statues!

It's a great place to walk around and although there were a lot of people there, it's large enough that you don't really feel like it's crowded!  A nice gentleman took this picture for us!

And how cute is this statue?

Glenn and Parker had left that morning to go fishing in Glenn's kayak!!  I'm not sure where Parker sat but they both had fun and Parker caught a fish!!  He also had fun jumping off a cliff into the water!  But I guess he was pretty darn cold after that and put his seat warmer on for the way home - ha!

I opened my birthday present from the girls before we went out for dinner!  I had requested a specific CD (yes, I still have a CD player in the house) by my all time favorite artist, Gordon Lightfoot!  It was a 4 pk CD and although I had a lot of the songs, many were very early ones that I had never heard so I was excited to get it!  Add in a package of my favorite dark chocolate and it was the perfect gift!  Thanks girls!!

We took Robby and Jill out for their anniversary, and of course it was a double celebration for our birthdays!  Jill had made reservations at a Mexican place which is housed in their old post office building downtown - a cool place and GREAT food!  The mango margaritas were outstanding!  I had fish tacos with mango sauce and they were excellent!

Jill and I both received a yummy, chewy brownie with ice cream - it was good!!  Unfortunately because Jill has to eat gluten free, she only could eat a little bit of the ice cream on top but Robby enjoyed the rest!

My margarita sure matched Glenn's shirt that night!!  We had an awesome meal together and then walked around their downtown a little bit!

When we arrived home, we sat outside by Jill's birthday gift, a cool looking firepit!  It goes great on their new cement out back and I know they'll enjoy it all summer!

A great day - and many more birthdays to celebrate!

1 comment:

Jill said...

Happy Birthday! So glad we got to celebrate together!