Monday, August 1, 2022

Aleah 13 - Jessi 41 - Jill 42 - Becky 69

 Can you tell it's birthday month?  I haven't posted all of our ages in a LONG time so it was past due!  None of us are getting any younger but I totally believe we're all getting BETTER with age!

Aleah celebrates not only the 4th but her birthday!  She was all decked out for her special day when she turned 13!

Kenzie made Jessi an ice cream cake for her 41st birthday!

Jill celebrated her 42nd birthday in a hotel with Jessi!  They were the designated "babysitters" for Aleah and 3 of her friends!  (Aleah's choice for her birthday!)  

And me - I wanted to eat at Tx. Roadhouse - free bloomin onion - my all time favorite ROLLS and a chicken dish!  Because you had to show your coupon to the waiter for the free appetizer, he then of course knew it was my birthday!  I told him I was just find NOT having anybody sing to me!

But that didn't happen!!!  He brought my free dessert and the saddle over after we were done eating and of course I had to get on!!  I think my face was red as a beet!!  But it was a great time!

And last but not least, Jill and Robby celebrated their 19th wedding anniversary on the 4th!  

It's certainly the month for celebrations!


Teri said...

What a fun month for all of you!

Jill said...

July is a great month!

DrKeppy said...

July birthdays are the best!!