Monday, February 20, 2023


 Another great drive today!  It felt warmer as we drove and as you can see, the clouds were still around!  This picture turned out kind of cool as we were almost to Santa Rosalia - it looks like a black and white photo but it's not! 

Mulege is always a cool town too and I love all the palm trees in this oasis of a town!

We made it to Loreto early afternoon and parked and walked up to the square where coffee was in order for me!  YUM!

I always love the mission church in Loreto!

This was taken from the outside courtyard!

We checked into Bugambilias Suites next, our stay for the night!  Another new place to stay!  It was perfect as you park your car inside a courtyard and they close the gate at night so the cae is safe there!  Our room was perfect and the most like an American hotel that we've ever seen!  It even had a kitchen!  I would definitely stay there again!

Dinner was back up at the square from a referral - we weren't impressed at all with the drinks and service but the food was great!  There was a guy playing the guitar and singing next door (everything is open air there) so we even got to enjoy the music!  SCORE!

It was a great afternoon and evening in Loreto and a wonderful nights' sleep!  

We packed up early and headed out the next morning - our final day of driving!  We always stop at this one restaurant for breakfast and were surprised to see that it was now a coffee place!  But we found another restaurant - had to laugh at Glenn's breakfast as his eggs were served with fries and a hot dog!  Their breakfast sausage was a hot dog!

After getting oranges before we left this town, it was an easy drive!  Glenn took a wrong turn in LaPaz but we figured it out and got back on track!  Spa Buena Vista was waiting for us and it sure felt good to be here!


Teri said...

Sounds like a great drive and such pretty scenery!

DrKeppy said...

Glad you found a great hotel to stay at!

Jill said...

How nice to take your time getting down south!